Prescription Renewals

Affineon puts all the information needed to make a renewal decision in the renewal request. Enabling clinical staff to quickly determine if the request meets the renewal protocol or whether an additional appointment is required and/or additional physician review.

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The Problem

Determining whether to renew a prescription often requires clinical staff to compile information from several different parts of a patient chart – appointment history, prescribing history, relevant lab results. That’s time that could be better spent caring for patients.

The Solution

Our AI platform stores each provider’s protocols for Rx renewal, and ensures all relevant details needed to make a protocol-based decision are extracted from the chart and put into the renewal request along with a note on whether the request meets the protocol guidelines, does not meet the guidelines, or requires further details from the patient.

The Benefit

Affineon helps staff save minutes on each renewal request, allowing them to process Rx renewals more quickly. Additionally, prescribing doctors get all the details they need as well as an indication of whether the request meets their protocol or requires additional patient engagement.

We’re serious about security.

Affineon is SOC2 and HIPAA compliant.

AICPA SOC badge, HIPAA Compliant badge

Affineon Pricing

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Affineon Labs Core

Automatically handle labs that don’t need the provider’s attention, reducing inbox volume by 30-80%.

/month per provider
  • Smart Filtering
  • Auto Normals
  • Auto Abnormals
  • Auto Catch Up
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Affineon Labs Pro

Reduce the time it takes for providers to handle labs that do need their attention.

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  • Everything in Labs Core
  • Smart Grouping
  • Smart Summaries
  • Smart Patient Note
  • Possible Next Steps
  • Revenue Boost
  • Smart Imaging

Keep your existing workflow

Affineon natively integrates with the EHR inbox. No need for a new app or login.

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Affineon has processed more than 2,000 different types of labs.

"I’ve been using Affineon for the past year, and it saves me 45 minutes a day reviewing labs."

PCP in Nebraska

"I find that reviewing labs literally takes half the time. Information is editable, and provider specific. I am so happy to be working with Affineon."

DNP in Louisiana

"The team approach from Affineon was spectacular. Getting this product integrated into my practice was seamless. My biggest take away is that it can offer quite a bit of time savings to a busy practice."

PCP in California

"I can fly through prescription renewals so much faster now.  Affineon has cut my time per renewal request in half, at least!"

Nurse Susan

Less time in the inbox. More time with patients.

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