Labs Pro
Helps providers spend less time on labs they do want to see. All settings are configurable at the practice and provider level.

Smart Grouping
Labs are intelligently grouped and only placed into the provider inbox once the entire set of lab results are ready, avoiding wasted provider time spent on incomplete result sets.

Smart Summaries
Affineon speed-reads the entire patient chart and automatically analyzes, trends, and summarizes labs, highlighting abnormal and clinically significant results.

Smart Calculations
Based on lab results, the patient chart, and ACC/AHA and ISN evidence-based guidance, Affineon automatically calculates and provides the ASCVD and CKD risk for applicable patients.

Possible Next Steps
Based on lab results, our AI intelligently suggests possible next steps for the patient.

Smart Note to Patient
For labs that need the provider’s attention, our AI intelligently drafts a proposed note to patient that the provider can review and send.

Revenue Boost
Affineon can include a Telehealth scheduling option in the note to patient, offering them the opportunity to schedule a follow-up appointment with an RN or NP to review their lab results, improving the overall patient experience while driving new revenue.

We’re serious about security.
Affineon is SOC2 and HIPAA compliant.

Affineon Pricing

Affineon Labs Core
Automatically handle labs that don’t need the provider’s attention, reducing inbox volume by 30-80%.
- Smart Filtering
- Auto Normals
- Auto Abnormals
- Auto Catch Up

Affineon Labs Pro
Reduce the time it takes for providers to handle labs that do need their attention.
- Everything in Labs Core
- Smart Grouping
- Smart Summaries
- Smart Patient Note
- Possible Next Steps
- Revenue Boost
- Smart Imaging
Keep your existing workflow
Affineon natively integrates with the EHR inbox. No need for a new app or login.

Affineon has processed more than 2,000 different types of labs.